Saturday, October 19, 2013

Week 9: Critical Thinking, Midterms, Video Projects, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and Advising

STOP! This is the assignment for week 9! If you haven't yet done the blogs for week 8 (Mastery), scroll down and read that assignment first so you don't get confused.

If you are ready for week 9, read on! This week's theme is critical thinking. We talked in class about how colleges seek to foster critical thinking in all students, and that critical thinking rather than "literal thinking" is what most classes will expect students to do, both in and out of class. Unfortunately, many students enter college without having had a lot of practice in critical thinking and not really understanding what it is or how to do it. Most students will say that critical thinking involves "thinking outside the box" but what does that mean really?

Critical Thinking is such an important skill that Southern requires all first-year students to enroll in Inquiry plus a Critical Thinking course. For Blog A this week, consider what critical thinking is and why it is important. Write about what you have been learning about critical thinking, how to think critically, and how you have been applying those skills throughout your other college courses.

This past week also marks the midterm point of the semester. All of your courses should have posted midterm grades (not grades on a midterm exam, but your course grade at the midterm point -- similar to a progress report). The grades can be found on Banner, and they will not count toward your GPA; they are only for your use in seeing where you are (gradewise) so far this semester. For Blog B, please look at your midterm grades, reflect on where you are, what successes you have had, what you need to work harder on, and identify some concrete goals to try and meet in the second half of the semester.

Reminder #1: Videos are also due this week. Please upload to Youtube and post to your blog by Thursday Oct 24th.

Reminder #2: Monday is the Sonia Sotomayor. Be there, and take notes for class activities and discussion on Thursday.

Reminder #3: No class this Tuesday due to advising.

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